Custom Tailored Platform For Skills Development And Placements

Custom-Tailored Platform for Skills Development and Placements


Orbit Jobs, a leading skilling and reskilling course provider in Indonesia, faced challenges in connecting their trained candidates with the right industries for placements. To address this, we developed a custom job board platform that aligned their students’ skills with industry needs, enhancing placement opportunities and learner engagement.


Before-and-After Comparison:

In placements over six months.
learner retention rates.
matching between employers and candidates.
Client Challenges
Recruitment Agencies 1
Connecting Candidates with Industries

The client struggled to link skilled and reskilled candidates with employers in relevant fields.


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Collaboration with Industry Stakeholders

They faced difficulties bridging the gap between their curriculum and employers’ skill requirements.

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Engaging and Retaining Learners

High dropout rates were a concern due to a lack of learner engagement and motivation.


We developed a comprehensive solution to help place skilled and reskilled candidates with relevant industries. The solution was also designed to streamline the application and hiring process for employers and candidates while providing the client with a centralized system to manage all data.

For Admin Management System

We created an Admin system that enables the client to efficiently manage platform users, customers, inventory, and transactions. This centralized system effectively tracks and organizes data, streamlining the client’s operations and enhancing their overall efficiency.

For Candidate Dashboard

Our platform offers candidates a user-friendly experience, allowing them to easily filter job opportunities based on industry, location, qualification, and experience. Moreover, it provides a direct communication channel for candidates to reach out to employers, simplifying the interview scheduling process and enhancing the overall efficiency of the job search experience.

For Employer Management System

Our platform facilitates fast and efficient job vacancy postings and candidate matching for employers. It empowers employers to effortlessly track candidate records, interviews, and job postings, offering the flexibility to mark jobs as active or inactive. With additional features and functionalities, our platform enhances the overall hiring process for employers.


The custom platform revolutionized Orbit Jobs’ placement process by bridging the gap between candidates and employers, enhancing learner retention and engagement, and streamlining operations for all users. This comprehensive solution not only addressed the client’s challenges but also delivered measurable success for their skilling initiatives, ensuring improved outcomes for both candidates and industry stakeholders.


Top Rated Job Board For Associations, Communities,
Publishers, Newspapers, and University

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